Legal etc....

Articles appearing as webpages on this site may have originated from websites on the WWW. Any slight modifications made are to enhance readability; the content was not altered from the original. Changes/additions made, if any, are indicated on the article page. All articles are provided with a link to the original source website, if the origin is known. These links are not checked regularly, so it is possible that the link may no longer exist. If you find a dead link, please send me an email ... or not, indicating which link is bad.

Images appearing on this site are from various sources including many original photos.

The copyright owner of any material reproduced on this site, may request removal if it is deemed to unfairly infringe on their rights as authors. Please contact:

No fee is charged to make this information available.

Other legal stuff: No one has permission to create or maintain a presence on ANY social media service using the name Lightning Fencing Club (LFC) if it refers to the legal entity existing in the city of Winnipeg in Manitoba Canada. Permission can only be granted with the express written permission of the Lightning Fencing Club executive Board; the legal representatives of the club. Permission is only granted with caveats attached. Any social media account created must be sanctioned by the Lightning Fencing Club governing Board. Any social media account created without our (LFC) permission is unauthorized and is in violation of our policy. Such social media accounts created without our (LFC) permission must be deleted or the administrative login name and password must be surrendered to the LFC Board.

Club members grant the Lightning Fencing Club Executive Board photo permission exclusively. No other persons inherit such permissions for the purpose of publication in ANY medium unless they are expressly granted permission in writing.

We take the publication of member photos (and identification), particularly minors, very seriously and will defend our right to refuse permission for anyone other than the Lightning Fencing Club Executive to publish in any medium, including any social media.

We take the protection of the identity of minors very seriously and have a policy in place that mandates that NO faces or other identifying features/information of members appearing in photographs taken at the club or at club sanctioned activities are allowed on social media sites. Only explicit permission, in writing from the executive, to show faces or identifying features/information, will allow this to occur. This supercedes our standard photo permission form.

Key: LFC - Lightning Fencing Club (Manitoba Inc.)

